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I am very happy you found this site because it shows me that you have some interest in pursuing changes toward better health. You’ve come to the right place! For now, I would like to take some of your time to fill you in on the purpose and intention for this blog so you know you’re at the right place too.

Heart, Body, and Soul

My name, Alma, means “soul” in Spanish. Some believe that when a person dies, the body and the soul separate. The body is our soul’s home and we have only the one body that will contain it. Our body is a collection of cells working in a coordinated manner to keep it functioning. Where exactly IS our soul then? Is it in our heart? In our brain? Scientifically, it hasn’t actually been found. Oh, but we know it’s there because we sure as hell FEEL it. Sometimes we feel so deeply into our proverbial hearts and souls, we cannot deny the important role it has as part of our selves. 

Peace is a state of tranquility or serenity according to We find ourselves always rushing from one thing to the next, never giving ourselves that peace. Many live like this every day! We were not meant to live this stressed every day and it begins to take a toll on the body. How long do we keep this up before we crash and burn? I know, I’ve been there. Over years of research, learning, and piece of information by piece of information, mi alma has achieved greater peace. It has taken me a very long time and I don’t want that to be you, too. Through this desire to want to help others, the idea of Alma in Peaces took shape. 

The Fundamentals

Many people who have seen my transformation ask me what it is that I do and how do I do it? And while the answer is simple, there are no easy explanations. I wish I could sit down with each and every one of them to unwrap this question because my recommendations will be different for everyone. This site is meant to house useful information to help you on your quest for your alma to attain peace. Peace in knowing you can achieve a healthier body, mind, and soul. Once all those three are aligned with your values and what feels right for you, you can see that other things fall into place. Adversity no longer produces the fear it once did because your fundamentals are solid. Building on your fundamentals then becomes easy to maintain. We don’t need much to lead fulfilling lives and once you have worked on you, you can step back and look at the bigger picture and maybe even begin to help others, too.

Let’s be real with ourselves and take a look around. We see a lot of physical and mental suffering that has been going on for way too long. Tupac Shakur was talking about this in 1998! I believe that humans at their very core are very social and loving beings. When we don’t take action to align with our core values we are in a state of unrest, sickness, and depression because nothing we do feels right. It doesn’t feel right for me to know things and not share them. I suffer when I see the state of health of our people and all the misinformation around it. Many don’t understand their conditions, much less the medications they’re taking and why. Yet, nobody asks and just do as they’re told. This is one example of a major gap between our culture’s mindset and reality of healthcare in the U.S. Everyone should have a healthcare provider in their corner who knows and can advocate for those who don’t know.

My Intentions are True

I have created this platform to figuratively sit down with each one of you. My goal with this site is to help empower you by giving you the information so you can make decisions about your health and not just be told what to do. The journey to health is different for everyone. It’s ongoing and doesn’t end because there will always be something new being discovered, and that’s a good thing!  This journey is not over for me, either. As I keep experimenting I will keep you updated as I go. Just the same, I don’t want more time to pass before I fill you in on the shortcuts I already know. Some of you may have come here because you’re ready to make changes, some of you are just curious, or don’t even know where to start. And that’s ok. The real benefit comes from actually making changes though. Don’t stress out, be kind to yourself in the process, it’s so damn HARD to change. You might even get some shit for it, too. Our gente is not known for being the cheerleading kind. But hey you do you, because it’s your one body for your beautiful soul. Implement one small change at a time, a week or month at a time, the years pass anyway. Might as well have them pass feeling better and getting that life you’ve been wanting by peace-ing together your alma too. If you find that I’ve helped you in any way, please let me know. I would love to hear your stories.

In Health,


Soy Yo, Alma

Beinvenidas a Alma in Peaces, where you can find information to empower you on your journey to health and wellness.  I’m a perpetual seeker of knowledge and I want to share it with you. Not only am I a big nerd, pero también tengo la suerte de ser 100% Mexicana. Ajuá! Si se puede!

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